Dock Diving
We had such a great time at the Blackfoot, Idaho show. Pistol and Adi both earned their dock diving titles. Adi earned her novice title...

Introduction to Birds
My husband Steve and I had such a fun day with a few pups on Sunday. We went over to Jerome for a beginning hunt test training day with...

Fun at the ICCKC Fall Match
We all had so much fun at the ICCKC fall match in Boise. We are so excited that we now have four daughters showing with us! Three are in...

Dock Diving at the Blackfoot Dog Show!
We had so much fun at the all breed show in Blackfoot. Oakley even got to try dock diving! She loved it.

A Day at the Pond!
Had a super fun day at the pond across the street from our farm. Oakley and Fancy always enjoy a cool swim. Oakley did some dock diving...

First Camping Trip of the Summer!!!
We had a BLAST on the first camping trip of the summer! Spent four days out at Anderson Reservoir near our home. Brought Oakley with us...

South Jordan Utah Show
Thought I'd share some photos from the South Jordan dog show we attended at the beginning of May. We took Oakley and Fancy. Oakley did...

Oakley & Fancy
Had a fun day doing some practicing for Oakley's and Fancy's upcoming AKC conformation show in April. Here are a few photos from our day.

Snow Play
Jake & Callie playing in the snow today. A few pics snapped with my phone.